
Thank you so much for taking a peek at my blog. I have been taking pictures for awhile and just recently have decided to pursue it on a more professional level.

Throughout this blog, I will be featuring photographs from both my personal and professional life. I am so lucky to be a stay at home mom and I love to take photos of my beautiful little girl, so you will see her often.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Girl & A Pug

She loves her "puppy" so much!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

For Rick & Mica

These are two of my favorite people. He is Piper's godfather and she is the sweetest little girl. I hope you guys like your pictures. Enjoy!


Yes, Piper loves her tutus.


We are going through a purple phase. I guess it is more me than Piper since I am the one who picks out her clothes and dresses her everyday. I can't help it - I love her in this color.

My Girl

I love fall! I love the colors when the trees change, the cool brisk air, and the fun clothes.